Pursue Academic Excellence in a District Filled with Outdoor Adventure Opportunities

School District No. 83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap) is located in one of the most beautiful places in the world. In fact, in 2018 Maclean’s magazine listed its 25 best small communities in Canada and Salmon Arm was listed at number six in all of Canada, and number one in British Columbia.

The district consists of the four communities of Salmon Arm, Armstrong, Sicamous and Enderby. International students who attend one of the schools in this district will not only have access to excellent educational opportunities, but also a wide variety of world class recreational activities at their doorstep. Whether you are interested in downhill skiing or x-country skiing, mountain biking, hiking, boating, golfing, horseback riding and all the school sports that are offered to you, this is the place to access them.

The schools in the district offer a wide variety of excellent programs that prepare international students for whatever post-secondary educational plans they may have. Students can select from a wide variety of courses in order to fulfill their academic needs, and have the opportunity to choose courses that are very distinct to this region of Canada and will help give them an authentic Canadian educational experience.

International students or agents for international students can contact our International Student Program at isp@sd83.bc.ca .

Students, parents and agents can apply directly through the program website https://isp.sd83.bc.ca/

2022 Was a Fun-Filled Year for SD No. 83’s International Student Program

A new year has arrived and we hope that 2023 is going to be a fantastic year for everyone! 2022 was a very successful year for the International Student Program (ISP) at SD No. 83 North Okanagan-Shuswap. In the calendar year of 2022, a total of 74 students from eight countries were enrolled at a high school in the district during the 2021-22 or 2022-23 school year. It is exciting to see the program growing and having students from new countries applying to come and study in our district!

One of the things that we are very proud of with our ISP program at SD No. 83 are the field trips that we take our students on every month. With our amazing location in central British Columbia and unlimited variety of activities throughout the entire year, ISP students at SD No. 83 have the incredible opportunity to experience many different types of field trips that are sure to leave memories for a lifetime! The field trip schedule for 2023 should be the same as in 2022 with the exception that we will add another field trip in March for everyone to go skating! Here are some photos from our field trips during 2022:

A Fantastic Start to the 2022-23 School Year

The International Student Program (ISP) at SD No. 83 North Okanagan-Shuswap has had a great start to the school year with everyone involved in the program keeping very busy. Currently, there are 37 students in the district, and many of them have joined school teams, clubs or are involved with a musical or theatrical production. As well, the ISP has been very active and has already had three field trips since the start of the school year – a welcome BBQ in Armstrong; white water rafting on the upper Adam’s River; and visiting the Salute to the Sockeye Salmon Run on the lower Adam’s River just last week. With more field trips and activities planned in the near future, everyone will hopefully get to enjoy as much of our region as they can during their time in Canada. The amazing weather that we had for a long time recently seems to be coming to an end and the hilltops and mountains are turning white, therefore, I hope everyone is ready for an excellent season of skiing and all the other winter activities our area offers! Please make sure to have a look at our District Video to get a fantastic look at the ISP at SD No. 83 North Okanagan-Shuswap, and remember, we still have spaces available for our 2nd semester beginning February 2023.

A Successful Year is Nearing an End and the Future Looks Bright!

Spring is in the air and there are only six weeks of school left this year. In only it’s second full year, the International Student Program (ISP) at SD No. 83 has had a very successful year. A total of 46 students came to study at our high schools during the 2021-22 school year from Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, and China. With 35 students already registered for classes beginning in September so far, it seems like there is no slowing down for the ISP at SD No. 83. As the program moves forward, it will continue to seek and build partnerships with new countries or regions to bring an even more diverse group of learners to our amazing district.

This year, almost all of the ISP student’s have adapted well into their school and home life in Canada. Many have been actively involved in various extra-curricular activities such as band, choir, theatre, and sports (cross country running, volleyball, basketball, rugby, skiing, soccer, biking, etc.).

Every month the ISP offers its students a field trip, and these monthly activities are quickly becoming very popular. So far this year, our field trips have included visits to Revelstoke Mountain Coaster, Adams River, Quaaout Lodge, H₂O Watersports, Tube Town, Larch Hills, and Gardom Lake. We still have a trip to Oyama Zipline, as well as an amazing day on a houseboat, courtesy of an incredibly generous donation from Twin Anchors, to come.

The ISP program is always looking for new homestay families for our students in Salmon Arm, Armstrong, Sicamous and Enderby. If your family is seriously considering the incredibly diverse cultural experience of hosting an international student(s), then there are various length of stay options you could consider.

Full year students come for the entire school year. These students arrive at the end of August or early September, are here for two semesters (10 total months) and stay until the end of June. If you are looking for a student who will be like a family member for 10 months, or a sibling for your own children, then a full school year student may be a perfect fit.

Many students also come for one semester and stay for five months. These students arrive at the end of August or in early September and stay for just one semester until the end of January, or start at the end of January or beginning of February and stay until the end of June. If your family is thinking about hosting an international student, but can’t, or aren’t ready to make a full school year commitment, then this option is a good choice for you.

Finally, some students come for a shorter period of study and stay for only three months. These students begin the semester like other students, attend school for three months, and finish at the end of November or April. This is an excellent opportunity for a family who is still wondering if hosting an international student is something that works for them, and this shorter length of stay may be the best way to find out.

Additionally, we are always looking for respite and temporary homestays for emergency situations where a student may need an emergency move and require a shorter period of stay.

For anyone who is interested in learning more about our amazing district and schools, please click on the Watch District Video link at the top of this page. If you have any questions about the ISP at SD. No. 83, please email isp@sd83.bc.ca

International Student Program Thriving at SD No. 83

It has been a very long time since a post has been put on this webpage, however, I am proud to say that the ISP program is still moving forward and we are currently having a successful second year. Covid-19 affected our program substantially last year, and we had a total of only 12 international students who came to our district. This year, even with Covid-19 still a worldwide problem, we have managed to bring 34 students to SD No. 83 so far this school year, and have 10 more coming for the second semester. Currently we have 19 international students at Salmon Arm Secondary – Sullivan Campus, 8 students at Pleasant Valley Secondary in Armstrong, 3 students at Eagle River Secondary in Sicamous, and 4 students at Salmon Arm Secondary – Jackson campus.